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Innovation management

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Introducing Grounded Innovation

Grounded Innovation Business CardLet’s suppose you’ve found this page using the search terms “innovation” and “consultant”. But have you given any thought to whether, or why, you really need either “innovation” or a “consultant”?

If you want to undertake some innovation, do you need somebody with whom you can explore your objectives, so you are clear about what you need to achieve and why? Or do you want somebody who will implement their own processes regardless of your real needs?

Do you want a consultant who brings an outside perspective, experience across industries, and who listens to you? Or do you want a process manager who aims to deliver their process as cost-effectively as possible?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to the second of the questions above, then Grounded Innovation is not what you want. What we offer is a consultancy that listens to your needs, understands your business, and works with you to ensure you achieve your objectives.

Bear in mind that ‘innovation’ is not like ‘fairy dust’ that can be sprinkled around a company and instantly improve things. Innovation requires commitment and recognising that it also means change. By its nature, innovation does not follow a well-trodden path; every company needs to innovate in its own way. In the wrong hands, managing innovation is difficult and risky, and can lead to costly and time-consuming mistakes.

Grounded Innovation’s experience suits companies that recognise the imperative to innovate, but are not certain about how to make the first steps – and in which direction. Our innovation experience allows us to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client.

We work closely with you and can lead projects, help to define and set innovation objectives; initiate and facilitate creative sessions; explore new market opportunities; or guide and develop opportunities to the agreed end-point. We have the tools and experience to manage challenges and risks along the way. Most importantly, we have the expertise – and connections – to ensure all elements of the project are executed within budget and with your desired outcome in mind at all times.

Grounded Innovation does not offer a ‘one-size-fits-all, off-the-shelf, packaged’ service. We recognise that your business is unique, with unique innovation needs. You are developing new opportunities for your business. That requires a bespoke approach, precisely tailored to the ambitions of your business. This is what Grounded Innovation delivers.

From our bookshelves

While a web site can tell you quite a lot about a company, other material can give a richer picture so we have chosen to present Grounded Innovation in a novel way.

Mark Zuckerberg declared 2015 to be “a year of books”. What is always interesting is seeing what is on other people’s book-shelves, and learning something about that person. As a way to introduce Grounded Innovation, you will find that the side of each web page has a short review or two of books from our bookshelf which, over the years, have provided a range of insights and influenced the approach of Grounded Innovation. Some of these may be familiar to you; some may be new to you; and some may arouse your curiosity. Reference to the books in this web site only means that Grounded Innovation values the insights within these books. The authors of these books are not associated with the comments in these reviews, nor do they necessarily endorse any conclusions expressed.

Copyright© 2025 • Grounded Innovation Ltd - All Rights Reserved • Website By Mark Skinner